Georgia State Election Board appoints conservative media personality to a seat

Georgia State Election Board appoints conservative media personality to a seat

Janelle King, a media personality known for co-founding a conservative political action committee, has been appointed to a seat on the Georgia State Election Board. This board is responsible for developing election rules, investigating allegations of fraud, and making recommendations to state lawmakers. Her appointment was announced by Georgia House Speaker Jon Burns, who praised King for her independent thinking and commitment to transparency and accountability in elections.

King, who co-chairs Let’s Win For America Action with her husband, Kelvin King, has a background in Republican politics. She has previously served as deputy state director of the Georgia Republican Party, chair of the Georgia Black Republican Council, and board member of the Georgia Young Republicans. She is also a familiar face on Fox 5 Atlanta’s “The Georgia Gang,” hosts a podcast called “The Janelle King Show,” and is a contributor on the Fox News Channel.

The State Election Board, which now includes King as a new member, has been a topic of political contention in recent years. With a majority of Republican members, there has been a push for greater emphasis on election integrity, especially ahead of the upcoming 2024 election. State Republican Party Chairman Josh McKoon highlighted the importance of this majority in ensuring the successful election of Donald Trump in November.

Critics, however, have raised concerns about King’s appointment potentially politicizing the board. Stephanie Jackson Ali of the New Georgia Project Action Fund warned that King’s presence could weaken the board’s efficacy and lead to decisions motivated by partisan gain rather than the best interests of Georgia voters.

Despite these concerns, King has assured that she will approach her role on the board with a commitment to fairness and balance. While maintaining her conservative values personally, she emphasized the importance of using facts and data to guide decision-making on the board. She remains dedicated to putting aside personal feelings in order to make the best decisions for the state of Georgia.

The State Election Board has been at the center of heightened scrutiny since the 2020 election cycle, with meetings often drawing vocal and passionate public commentary. King, undeterred by potential criticism or heckling, expressed confidence in her ability to navigate the contentious atmosphere surrounding elections in Georgia.

As the board continues its work on election processes and regulations, King’s appointment marks a significant development in the ongoing debate over voting systems and election integrity in the state. While her background as a conservative activist may raise questions for some, King’s pledge to prioritize data-driven decision-making suggests a commitment to ensuring fair and transparent elections in Georgia.