Russian Aviation Safety – Between Claims and Reality

Russian Aviation Safety – Between Claims and Reality

The President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, is claimed to never die in a plane crash, a statement made with full confidence by Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov. Amidst the tragic news of accidents involving Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and Malawian Vice President Saulos Chilima, this statement stands out by highlighting the resilience of Russian domestic aircraft.

Dmitry Peskov, the Kremlin spokesperson, boasted that aviation safety in Russia is very high, especially for flights involving President Putin. He asserted that Putin uses highly reliable domestic aircraft, supported by strict safety standards and well-functioning monitoring systems.

Peskov argued that the safety standards implemented by Russia are very stringent and must be adhered to by all parties involved in the aviation industry. According to him, all machines and aircraft used in Russia, especially for flights involving citizens, are well-maintained and overseen by effectively functioning monitoring agencies.

However, this claim contrasts with data from the Jet Airliner Crash Data Evaluation Centre (JACDEC). According to the JACDEC report in February, the number of aviation accident incidents in Russia increased from 37 cases in 2022 to 81 cases in 2023. This increase is largely due to Western economic sanctions following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which complicate Russian airlines’ ability to maintain their aircraft due to the inability to purchase new parts or new aircraft.

JACDEC founder and CEO Jan-Arwe Richter even mentioned that the number of aviation accidents in Russia might be much higher than reported. This indicates serious issues within the Russian aviation industry, which contradicts Peskov’s claims regarding the safety and reliability of Russian domestic aircraft. !!!!!!

Although Dmitry Peskov firmly stated that plane crashes like those experienced by President Raisi and Vice President Chilima would not happen in Russia, the data and reality on the ground tell a different story. The rising number of aviation accidents in Russia and the impact of economic sanctions show that there are significant challenges in ensuring aviation safety in the country. Therefore, it is important not to rely solely on official claims without considering the available data and facts.

Aviation safety is a complex issue that requires transparency, strict monitoring, and serious handling of every incident that occurs. Russia needs to continuously improve its aviation safety system to ensure that the claims about the reliability and safety of its domestic aircraft are truly justified.