Even with ‘Bad’ Genes, a Healthy Lifestyle Can Lengthen Life Span

Even with ‘Bad’ Genes, a Healthy Lifestyle Can Lengthen Life Span

Title: Defying Family Genes: The Power of Lifestyle Changes for Longevity

In a world where genetics often seem like destiny, a new study has provided hope for those born with family genes that predict a short life. Published in late April, the study looked at the combined effect of lifestyle and genetics on human lifespan, offering valuable insights into how lifestyle changes can help defy “bad” family genes.

The study, which analyzed the records of over 350,000 people of European ancestry, found that individuals with a high genetic risk for a short lifespan faced a 21% increased risk of early death. However, the real game-changer was adopting a healthy lifestyle. Those who followed healthy lifestyle habits were able to change the genetic odds by as much as 62% and add 5.2 years to their life.

Dr. Xue Li, a study co-author, emphasized the importance of focusing on building and sticking to healthy habits, regardless of genetic predispositions. The study identified four key lifestyle factors that offered the best benefits for prolonging human lifespan: no current smoking, regular physical activity, adequate sleep duration, and a healthy diet.

One of the key takeaways from the study was the impact of starting a healthy lifestyle early. People who had good lifespan genes and healthy lifestyle habits experienced an average gain of 6.69 years in life expectancy compared to those with unfavorable lifestyle habits.

While the study focused on individuals under 40 years of age, it highlighted that even older adults can benefit from lifestyle changes. Dr. William Samuel Yancy Jr. emphasized the immediate and long-term benefits of healthy eating, with older adults experiencing increased energy, strength, and a reduced risk of injuries.

Dr. Selvi Rajagopal noted that strength and resistance training can be particularly beneficial for older patients, helping to improve mobility and reduce the risk of falls. The study also highlighted the importance of addressing multiple unhealthy habits simultaneously, as bad behaviors tend to go hand in hand.

In a world where maintaining a composite healthy lifestyle can be challenging, starting small and gradually incorporating healthy habits into daily life can be key to long-term success. Dr. Rajagopal recommended starting with a few meaningful, actionable items and forming habits over time, with the support of an accountability partner.

In conclusion, the study’s findings provide valuable insights into the power of lifestyle changes in defying family genes and extending human lifespan. By adopting and sticking to healthy habits, individuals can take control of their health and empower themselves to live longer, healthier lives.
