Apollo 8 astronaut Bill Anders, known for capturing one of the most iconic photographs in outer space, has tragically passed away at the age of 90 in a plane crash off the coast of Washington state. His son Greg confirmed the news, stating that the family is devastated and will miss him dearly. Anders, a lunar module pilot on the Apollo 8 mission, famously took the Earthrise photograph during the historic 1968 mission, showing Earth rising above the horizon from the lunar surface.
This photograph is widely credited with sparking the global environmental movement and the creation of Earth Day, highlighting the importance of caring for our planet. Anders himself acknowledged the significance of the image, stating that despite their mission to explore the Moon, the most important discovery they made was of Earth itself.
The plane crash that took Anders’ life occurred while he was flying a Beechcraft A A 45, also known as a T-34, near Jones Island. Witnesses described the tragic event, with the plane appearing to perform a loop before crashing into the water and bursting into flames. The National Transportation Safety Board is currently investigating the crash.
Anders, who also served as the backup pilot for the Apollo 11 mission that landed the first humans on the Moon, had a distinguished career in the aerospace industry after retiring from NASA. He even served as US Ambassador to Norway for a brief period in the 1970s. However, he will always be remembered for his role in the Apollo 8 mission and the iconic Earthrise photograph that he captured.
Fellow astronauts and officials have paid tribute to Anders, with Nasa Administrator Bill Nelson praising his gift to humanity through his astronautical achievements. Mark Kelly, a former astronaut and US Senator, also expressed his admiration for Anders, stating that he inspired countless astronauts and explorers.
In the end, Bill Anders’ legacy will live on through his incredible contributions to space exploration and his enduring impact on the environmental movement. May he rest in peace, knowing that he truly made a mark on history with his remarkable work.